Total Recall

Construction worker Douglas Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) has been having recurring dreams of a brunette woman named Melina (Rachel Ticotin) and of Mars, which has been colonized. He tells his blonde wife, Lori (Sharon Stone), about the dreams and that he wants to move to Mars, but Lori refuses because she hates Mars. Meanwhile, Mars administrator Vilos Cohaagen (Ronny Cox) has been ruling Mars like a dictator, and the Mars Freedom Brigade, a group of rebels led by the mysterious Kuato, are fighting to end Cohaagen's evil leadership.

Quaid visits Rekall Inc, a travel agency which implants memories of vacations in the minds of its customers. Quaid requests a trip to Mars, in which he will be a secret agent. During his implant procedure, however, the Rekall technicians pop Quaid's memory cap (before they can implant his ego trip), and he violently lashes out, as if he really is a Mars secret agent. The technicians sedate Quaid and dump him in a Johnnycab which takes him to his apartment building.

He is suddenly attacked by armed men led by his coworker Harry (Robert Costanzo), who had earlier warned him not to go to Rekall. Quaid kills Harry and his henchmen and runs home. He tells a disbelieving Lori about it and goes to wash the blood off his hands. Lori tries to kill him afterwards, but he overpowers her, holding her at gunpoint and demanding answers. Lori is not Quaid's wife, but an agent sent by Cohaagen to watch Quaid after they erased his identity and implanted a new one. Quaid knocks Lori unconscious with the gun after seeing more villains on the video monitor.

The chief villain is the evil Richter (Michael Ironside), Lori's real husband. Richter's right-hand man is the equally evil and vicious agent Helm (Michael Champion). Richter and Helm are using a tracking device to follow Quaid, since Quaid unknowingly has a little tracking implant in his skull. After an escalator gun battle in the subway, Quaid escapes to a hotel and receives a suitcase from an old ally who tells Quaid to wrap a wet towel around his head to muffle the signal and throw Richter and Helm off track. Quaid escapes Richter and Helm in a Johnnycab. Richter and Helm are trying to kill Quaid before he can remember his previous life on Mars, despite Cohaagen's orders to capture Quaid alive.

At an abandoned factory, Quaid opens the case and sees a video recording of Hauser, his former identity. Hauser instructs Quaid on how to remove the tracking implant from his skull with a surgical instrument from the case. Then Hauser tells Quaid to go to Mars, find Melina, and stop Cohaagen. Realizing Richter and Helm have arrived, Quaid smashes the video player and puts the tracking implant in a piece of candy for a rat and escapes. Richter and Helm realise Quaid is going to Mars because the broken video replays Hauser's order to go to Mars. Richter and Helm follow Quaid to the Mars spaceport, but he escapes again after Richter shoots a hole in the dome, forcing everyone to grab hold of something to avoid being sucked outside onto the airless surface. Richter angrily reports to Cohaagen's headquarters which overlook the entire Mars colony. Cohaagen is angry at Richter for trying to kill Quaid and letting him escape. Cohaagen has a plan to prevent Kuato from psychically discovering the secret in Quaid's mind and threatens to kill Richter if he attempts to kill Quaid again. Eventually, Quaid meets a Martian mutant cab driver named Benny (Mel Johnson, Jr.), who takes him to the Last Resort in Venusville where Quaid meets Melina, but she doesn't believe his story and forces him to leave.

At his Hilton Hotel room, Quaid is visited by Rekall technician Dr. Edgemar (Roy Brocksmith), who claims that the chases and the trip to Mars are all part of Quaid's Rekall ego trip. Quaid doesn't believe this and suspects Edgemar is working for Cohaagen. Edgemar also tells Quaid that Melina is part of the Rekall dream, but Quaid knows Melina is real because he dreamed of her before he went to Rekall. Edgemar brings Lori in, and she tells Quaid to return to her. Edgemar offers Quaid a red pill to wake him from the dream. Quaid shoots Edgemar in the forehead after seeing him sweat in fear and spits the pill out onto Edgemar's dead body. Quaid realises he is in reality.

Four agents blast into the room and capture Quaid with Lori's help, revealing her true evil and violent nature. Richter and Helm arrange to meet them at the service elevator. At the service elevator, Melina kills the four agents and fights Lori. Just as Lori prepares to kill Melina, Quaid grabs a gun and shoots Lori in the forehead. Quaid and Melina run down the hallway just before Richter and Helm arrive. Helm runs down the hallway while Richter looks at his dead wife. Richter is now in a complete uncontrollable rage.

Richter and Helm chase them, as Richter wants revenge for Lori's death. Quaid and Melina start climbing down a double ladder in front of the dome. Helm spots them but doesn't shoot after realizing the danger of cracking the dome. Richter knocks Helm out of the way and tries to shoot Quaid and Melina while they climb in front of the dome, but Helm smashes Richter's arm down before he can crack the dome. Richter threatens to shoot Helm but Helm reminds him they will get sucked to the airless surface if the dome is cracked, which brings Richter to his senses.

During a car chase and gun battle with the enraged Richter and Helm, Benny takes Quaid and Melina to the Last Resort, where rebel mutant Tony (Dean Norris) opens a secret doorway for the trio to escape through. Richter, Helm, and soldiers arrive and attack the customers. Helm shoots Tony in the shoulder, but a rebel grabs Helm from behind, and Helm is unable to break free. Tony's friend Thumbelina (Debbie Lee Carrington) kills Helm with a Bowie knife by stabbing him in the stomach. Thumbelina also shoots some of the soldiers. Richter and the remaining soldiers escape and retreat after Cohaagen orders them to get out of Sector G.

As punishment for protecting Quaid, Cohaagen shuts off the giant fans in Venusville and seals Venusville off from the rest of the colony so Tony, Thumbelina, and the other rebels and mutants will die from asphyxiation. In the catacombs, the rebels find Quaid, Melina, and Benny. Benny reveals his mutant, alien-like arm to them. Quaid, Melina, and Benny enter the rebel hideout, where Quaid meets the psychic mutant Kuato, who is conjoined to the stomach of his brother George (Marshall Bell). Kuato unlocks the secret in Quaid's mind: an alien reactor in the Mars Pyramid Mine which can provide oxygen for the Mars atmosphere and cause Cohaagen to lose his power over the Mars colony. Benny reveals he is one of the villains after shooting George/Kuato inside an airlock during a gun battle between the rebels and Cohaagen's soldiers. In fact, Benny has a secret homing device which has led Richter and the soldiers to the rebel headquarters.

Richter delivers the killing shot to Kuato, and Quaid and Melina are taken to Cohaagen. It turns out Hauser worked for Cohaagen and volunteered to become Quaid in order to infiltrate the rebel base and kill Kuato. Cohaagen had arranged for Quaid to receive the suitcase back on Earth and, on Mars, ordered his henchman Benny to help Quaid escape Richter and Helm so Quaid would unknowingly lead the evil Benny to Kuato. Richter is quietly furious with Cohaagen for keeping information from him, since Richter lost his wife Lori to Quaid's gun and his right-hand man Helm to Thumbelina's Bowie knife. In an implant lab, Cohaagen attempts to turn Quaid back into Hauser and implant memories in Melina's mind that will make her Hauser's wife, but Quaid frees himself, kills the technicians, and frees Melina. Realizing Quaid and Melina will end his dictatorship by activating the alien reactor, Cohaagen orders Richter to kill Quaid, an order which Richter has been waiting for.

Quaid and Melina escape and head into the Mine to start the reactor, but Benny attacks them with a drilling mole vehicle. Quaid uses a drillhammer to drill through the mole's oil pump, immobilizing the mole. Quaid kills Benny with the drillhammer by drilling through the cabin door and drilling into Benny's chest. Then Quaid and Melina kill Cohaagen's remaining soldiers after using holograms from a hologram device Quaid acquired from the suitcase to fool them before gunning them down. Quaid battles Richter on a rising freight elevator. Quaid slams Richter against the elevator wall, but Richter knocks Quaid down on the floor, after which Quaid kicks Richter to the floor. Richter kicks Quaid in the stomach and punches Quaid in the face, slamming Quaid into the wall. Richter viciously punches Quaid in the back, but Quaid elbows Richter in the stomach and flips Richter against the wall. Quaid twists Richter's arm and punches Richter in the stomach. Quaid punches Richter in the face. Quaid flips Richter over the side, however Richter grabs Quaid's wrists and dangles over the edge. The elevator approaches a guillotine-hole, and the metal ridges cut off Richter's arms and Richter falls to his death. Quaid throws Richter's severed arms over the side as well.

In the reactor control room, Cohaagen attempts to blow up the reactor, but Quaid and Melina stop him. Melina shoots Cohaagen in the arm and shoulder, but Cohaagen activates the detonator. Quaid throws the bomb down a shaft, but the explosion causes a vacuum. Melina and Cohaagen grab on to the altar, while Quaid snatches a light stand cable and pulls himself back to the altar. Quaid yanks Cohaagen off the altar and into the vacuum, sucking Cohaagen out to the airless surface where he decompresses and dies. Quaid starts the reactor by placing his hand on the alien hand imprint, but he and Melina get sucked outside. Quaid and Melina start to decompress but are saved after the reactor melts the ice core and releases the oxygen for Mars. This also saves everyone in Venusville. The reactor causes all of the dome windows to shatter. Mars now has a blue sky and an atmosphere. Tony, Thumbelina, and the other humans and mutants stand on the Mars surface, gazing at the blue sky. Quaid and Melina admire the blue sky and kiss each other.

Revealing mistake: Doug has the hologram when inside the alien nuclear reactor, and a bunch of bad guys encircle the holographic image and fire at it at point blank with automatic weapons, and not one bad guy gets hit. If they encircled the 3D image, at least a few bad guys would have been hit by their own men. (01:37:00)

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Hauser: Howdy, stranger. This is Hauser. If things have gone wrong, I'm talking to myself, and you've got a wet towel wrapped around your head. Now, whatever your name is, get ready for the big surprise. You are not you. You are me.
Quaid: No shit.


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Trivia: The Kuato model was handled by about 15 puppeteers, each controlling a different part of his face and hands. (01:15:30)


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Question: At the beginning of the movie, Quaid has a friend at work (if my mind's not failing me his name is Harry) that tells him not to go to Recall because some person got lobotomised. Later, when Quaid is returning from Recall his friend stops him and tries to kidnap (or kill) him because Quaid "talked about Mars". I can't understand the role that this man has in the plot. Quaid told his wife that this man is a spy (I wonder how he knew that), and I'd like to know which side he seems to be fighting for (the Agency or the rebels).

Answer: It depends on whether you choose to believe the events of the film are real or in Quaid's lobotomized brain. If the events are real (i.e. Quaid is actually Houser with his memories blocked) then Harry is from the agency and is there to make sure Quaid doesn't say or do anything that would potentially break his memory block (like going to Recall). If you believe everything is in Quaid's mind after he goes to Recall, then Harry really was just his friend.

Answer: Harry works for the Agency the same way Arnie's wife did. While the wife watched him at home, Harry was to watch him at work. Harry told Arnie that story to keep him from going to Recall and to keep him from having to kill Arnie for bringing up his memories of Mars.

T Poston

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