Best movie questions of 2009

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Race to Witch Mountain picture

Question: What's the name of the song the woman is singing at the restaurant in Stony Creek?

Answer: It was either Southern Night or Boogie Woogie Saturday Night.

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The Human Centipede picture

Question: When the two girls get out of their car due to a flat tyre, they begin walking back from where they just came. Why didn't they keep walking in the direction they were going instead of back tracking?

Michelle Ferris

Answer: Because back tracking they know what's around. They've already traveled that way and know it's passable and relatively safe.


Thank you.

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The Taking of Pelham 123 picture

Question: How was it possible for the hostage to livestream the event, have the laptop open, and even though the hijackers were walking up and down the carriage, no one noticed this?


Answer: The hijackers did notice it. There's a scene where they notice it: look at the girl on the screen and then laugh. They get kicks from toying with people, which is why they didn't smash the laptop and just let the guy keep using it.

You're probably right.

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Fanboys picture

Question: Was there anything illegal about Windows' relationship and attempted rendezvous with Rogue Leader? Would he have gotten into any serious trouble had her parents decided to take any legal action?


Chosen answer: It would depend on what they'd discussed online and his intent. If they'd planned to meet for sex, then yes, that would be illegal and charges could be pressed. Since we didn't learn the details of their conversations, we can't be certain.

Captain Defenestrator

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Hannah Montana: The Movie picture

Question: During the revolving door scene, how was Miley able to redo Hannah's make-up over and over again when it took so long for her to do it at the start of the movie before the concert?


Chosen answer: During a concert, a lot of makeup is used to show through the bright lighting. In this case, Miley may have needed little to no makeup. Also, since Travis is shown asking for the check and Miley goes back and forth so much, it may have taken her a long time, which is why she had to run off every time she got to the restaurant after a few seconds.

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The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest picture

Question: Is there any particular reason as to why Lisbeth is dressed like a punk in the courtroom?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: That is how Lisbeth prefers to dress, and she refuses to change for anyone or anything.


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Black Dynamite picture

Question: I'm pretty sure I've heard Black Dynamite's line about "When your so-called Revolution starts, you call me and I'll be right down in front showing you how it's done." in another Blaxploitation movie but can't quite place it. Don't think it's Super Fly or Dolemite. Anyone know?

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Shaft.

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S. Darko picture

Question: Do we ever find out what the rash was on that guy? And why it was spreading so badly.


Chosen answer: Nope. It was just a reaction to the meteorite. It could have been an alien bacteria causing it, or it could have been an allergic reaction to one or more materials in the meteorite itself.


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My Bloody Valentine picture

Question: What caused Tom to start killing everyone?

Answer: It was many factors. First, he was blamed for letting the methane gas leak, which caused the explosion and deaths. Then, having one of the miners attack him and his friends. All that would cause anyone to go over the edge.

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Whiteout picture

Question: Can you please tell me if this is set in the Arctic or Antarctic, as the aurora borealis is better known as the Northern Lights and can only be seen there.

Answer: The film is set in the Antarctic, the South Pole. The aurora borealis is more commonly observed in high northern latitudes where there is more land mass with people populating it, but can be seen at either the north or south poles.


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The Boat That Rocked picture

Question: When the boat first starts sinking, some nameless crew members are shown trying to sort things out. But I don't remember them appearing again, even when the DJs were being rescued. Did they drown?


Chosen answer: They can be seen in a couple of long shots of the ship's prow as the DJs shelter there. It's reasonable to assume, given that they were present when the rescue flotilla arrived, that they were picked up as well, just off-screen while the film focused on the main characters.


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The Girl Who Played With Fire picture

Question: When the police go to Lisbeth Salander's old apartment - the one Miriam is living in - thinking Lisbeth lived there, so they can search the place, one of the policeman says, "How come the name-plate on the door says 'Salander'?" The other policeman says, "I have no idea." But they are there to search Lisbeth "Salander's" place! Can someone please explain to me why they are there if they don't believe it is the Salander place?


Chosen answer: They are looking at the mail which is all addressed to Miriam Wu, and medicine in the bathroom cabinet which is prescribed to her. So they realise someone called Miriam Wu is living there (or Lisbeth is living there under that name), and wonder why the name plate still says "Salander".


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The Ugly Truth picture

Question: Are there differences between the theatrical, DVD, Blu-Ray, and TV versions of the movie?


Chosen answer: No alternate versions of the movie have been released. The version you watch is the version everybody watches. It probably would be edited for free-to-air TV, but almost all movies are.


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Where the Wild Things Are picture

Question: Can some one explain a couple things about this movie for me? I was confused to if the events really happen or are they just in the kids mind? Also, how long is he gone for because it seems it should be days because of what happens, but when he gets home it seems only hours have passed.


Chosen answer: In the book it was just his imagination; he was gone for years in his mind but only a an hour or so in real life. It is presumably the same basic idea in the movie.


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Land of the Lost picture

Question: Would Rick have regenerated that quickly (overnight) after the blood loss from the giant mosquito and tick that he suffered?

Answer: It would depend on how much blood he lost and his general constitution. Of course, this is a movie, and reality is often fudged in order to tell the story. Having a character take days to recover would unnecessarily slow the plot.


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The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus picture

Question: What's up with Percy (the midget)? He was with Dr. Parnassus decades ago, when he won a bet with the devil to win the heart of a woman he craved, but he hasn't aged a day since. Or was that another midget and Dr. Parnassus has a tendency to pick midgets up to live in poverty by his side, and these two just happen to look identical? Both were obviously played by the same actor (Verne Troyer) and some make-up would easily disguise this, so I'm guessing this is intentional.

Answer: Percy's backstory is never touched upon, but he certainly appears to have been with Parnassus for a substantial period of time, longer than his visual age would suggest. Possibly he himself has done his own deal with the Devil, or some other power, to extend his life, but, if so, the film never elaborates on it.


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