Best movie mistake pictures of 1997

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Continuity mistake: When Greta is packing her belongings away in a box, objects like rubber bands keep appearing in front of it, without her putting them there. The angle of the box changes as well. (00:44:15)


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Continuity mistake: When Robin steps foot into Poison Ivy's lair she is laid out on her flower bed. If you look at the sleeves of her costume, the ends of the sleeves are fringed in a simple leaf like design. Robin spurns Poison Ivy's affections, and an enfuriated Ivy pushes him into the lily pad pool. She is then confronted by Batman, and a soon to arrive Batgirl. Now - look at the huge, obvious, black rubber "thorn" bracelets that suddenly appear on each of her wrists. (01:37:25)

More Batman and Robin mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the Secretary of Defense receives the letter that the escape pod is empty, look to the character to the right of Glenn Close. There is another character behind him, and when the character by Glenn Close moves, the one behind him disappears. (00:38:30)

More Air Force One mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Roark is trying to get a radio, and Emmitt is watching on the big screen in the OEM building, there is a black man behind him who is talking to the guy with the headset on. In one shot the black guy is almost back to back with Emmitt and looks over his shoulder to look at the screen, yet when it cuts, the black guy is talking to the other guy but is not back to back with Emmitt. (00:43:25)


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Continuity mistake: Simon has a rack of pool balls on his coffee table. When Melvin is telling Simon about the bacon, the 2 ball (solid blue) is near the telephone. In the next shot, the dog jumps up to get the bacon and now the 3 ball (solid red) is near the phone. (01:01:20)


More As Good As It Gets mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Kevin and Pam are watching the police video of the Moyez raid, as Kevin walks behind Pam, in the wall of windows behind him, you can see the camera man filming and watch him as he swings left to right following Kevin in the shot. (00:30:30)

Luna Negra

More The Devil's Advocate mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When James has just jumped out of the plane, he has a diving rig that is somewhat different to the one he has when diving on the wreck of the Devonshire. In the water, he wears a twinset manifold air-bottle rig. While skydiving, the rig was not manifolded, and the bottles were in a different position on his back. To change between the two requires some work with a toolkit, preferably on dry land.

More Tomorrow Never Dies mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the Dowager Empress is walking towards the door and says the cinnamon smell is from an oil, her reflection in the mirror exactly matches her movements, including when she turns, when it should show a mirror image. Note the blue sash is on the same side in both. A quick reflection of Anastasia's head just before when she says "I just want to know who I am" has the same problem. After they sit the reflections appears to be right. (01:09:40)


More Anastasia mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Gen. Perez pushes the stacks of money towards Elgyn, they are right on the metallic edge of the table when the general offers a drink to Elgyn. In all of the following shots, the stacks have moved and are further in on the table, not on the metal anymore.


More Alien Resurrection mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Celine is tied up playing blackjack, the position of the rope holding her varies. We see for example that the number of times the rope crosses her chest goes from three to four and back again.


More A Life Less Ordinary mistake pictures
More The Peacemaker mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Kurt is being chased after in the truck at the end, he pulls out onto the main highway and the truck skids. There are several tire marks where they practised this skid before. Also, at the very end when the truck is being pushed by the semi, look ahead of the front truck tire, more previous tire marks. (01:21:20)


More Breakdown mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Dexter is driving with his friend in his mom's car you can see a police officer stopping traffic for the shoot, when they make a right turn on to the street where the car accident occurs.


More Good Burger mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Ben and Matt are sitting at the construction site drinking a beer, Ben takes a sip of his beer with his right hand in a close up. The next shot shows him holding the beer in his left hand, flicking a cigarette with his right. (01:43:55)

More Good Will Hunting mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: During the opening scene, a few shots after we see the Outworld ninjas falling through the portal and leaping about, there's a shot of several monks fleeing that tilts up towards the (digitally replaced) sky. As it does this, you can see several hard lines about in the sky from where pieces of the digital animated skies were "stitched together." It's easy to miss the first time, but if you know to look for them, they're pretty obvious. You can see similar lines in the sky in several other shots throughout the scene, but it's most noticeable here.

More Mortal Kombat: Annihilation mistake pictures
More The Man Who Knew Too Little mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the end, just after they finish singing, and are all posing, Posh and Ginger's poses change with every camera angle.

More Spice World mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the medical examiner notices that there's something wrong with the brain of the corpse that she is examining, she's making a gesture with her hands but in the next shot she has them by her sides. (00:30:39)

More The Relic mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When the Mack truck is trying to run Taggart off the road, the scenery on the copilot's window is an obvious chroma: first, it doesn't match the wide shots (bright green background vs cloudy and dull); second, it is repeated a couple of times. Also, when Taggart's car is cornered next to a mountain, the close-up shows a blue background.


More Fire Down Below mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Giosuè is hiding in the small cupboard Guido puts some flowers on top and some of the blossoms hang over the edge. In the next shot they are all lying on the cupboard, but when the camera angle changes they are hanging over again. (01:01:45)


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