Best movie quotes of 1974

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The Front Page picture

Earl Williams: You don't have to answer this, Mollie, but is it true what they said in the papers?
Mollie Malloy: Is what true?
Earl Williams: That you were going to marry me on the gallows.
Mollie Malloy: Well, if it's in the papers, it must be true. They wouldn't print a lie.

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Murder on the Orient Express picture

Mrs. Hubbard: Don't you agree the man must have entered my compartment to gain access to Mr. Ratchett?
Princess Dragomiroff: I can think of no other reason, madame.

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Airport 1975 picture

Captain Stacy: I hear we expect a bumpy ride tonight.
Urias: I used to know a stewardess who thought that was sexy.
Captain Stacy: You're weird, you know that?

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The Klansman picture

Loretta Sykes: What do you want with all your killing?
Garth: Same damn thing you want with all your marching. Only history proves my way works.

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Juggernaut picture

Barbara Banister: Is everything going to be smooth and beautiful?

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The Lords of Flatbush picture

Frannie Malincanico: I want that ring, Stanley.
Stanley Rosiello: I got a ring for ya, Fran. I got a ring for ya. Around my bathtub.

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Foxy Brown picture

Foxy Brown: What? Link too?
Oscar: Yeah, they say it was those Steve Elias people.
Foxy Brown: Was he dealing again?
Oscar: Yeah, coke.
Foxy Brown: I told him to stay away from them.
Oscar: Yeah, but once those people pull you in, there's only ONE way they'll let you go.

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The Great Gatsby picture

Nick Carraway: They say you killed a man.
Jay Gatsby: Only one?

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Lacombe Lucien picture

Prisoner: So you're working for the Germans? A young Frenchman like you. Aren't you ashamed?
Lucien Lacombe: I don't like people talking down to me.

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The Yakuza picture

Harry Kilmer: Everywhere I look, I can't recognize a thing.
Oliver Wheat: It's still there. Farmers in the countryside may watch TV from their tatami mats and you can't see Fuji through the smog, but don't let it fool you. It's still Japan and the Japanese are still Japanese.

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Celine and Julie Go Boating picture

Julie: It doesn't hurt to fall off the moon.

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McQ (1974)

McQ picture

Kosterman: Lon, I know you. I'm not gonna stand for you making up your own rules. You're not going to pull that Mickey Peters thing again.
McQ: Peters was a hood and everybody knew it.
Kosterman: Yeah, and you weren't satisfied with throwing him up on the roof! You had to go up there and throw him back down! Six months in the hospital! Four lawyers screaming about his civil rights.
McQ: Well, it kept him off the streets, didn't it?

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Deranged picture

Ma Cobb: Remember what I've always told you: The wages of sin is gonorrhea, syphilis, and death.

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Zandy's Bride picture

Maria Cordova: I don't think she knows about us, though.
Zandy Allan: That's not too hard to understand, since there's nothing to know.
Maria Cordova: Yeah, well, I could tell her about all them times you tried to pick up my skirts.
Zandy Allan: When I was a young buck, I used to pick up a lot of things. My Pa used to have a black calf I used to pick up for awhile. So, I wouldn't feel too special if I was you.

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Zardoz picture

Consuella: In hunting you, I have become you. I've destroyed what I set out to defend.
Zed: "He who fights too long against dragons, becomes a dragon himself " Nietzsche.

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Devil Times Five picture

Ruth: Harvey, I have a headache, a toothache, a backache and I'm expecting the gout.
Harvey Beckman: Would an aspirin help?

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Phantom of the Paradise picture

Swan: Here's the contract. Everything I've said and more is in it.
The Phantom: I'll read it.
Swan: At your leisure.
The Phantom: "The party of the first part gives the party of the second part and his associates full power to do with him at their pleasure. To rule, to send, to fetch, or carry him or his, be it either body, soul, flesh, blood or goods." What does that mean?
Swan: That's a transportation clause.

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TNT Jackson picture

Diana 'T.N.T.' Jackson: Look, lady, or whoever you are, I accepted a ride from you to Joe's Haven. And that's all you need to know about me.
Elaine: Bitch.

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