Best fantasy movie questions of all time

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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers picture

Question: When Pippin and Merry are with the orcs (or uruk-hai or whatever they're called) one of the orcs keeps insisting on eating them. What does he mean when he says, "Do they give good sport?" And then he does this weird thing with his tongue to which Merry looks at him oddly. I don't know what he meant by that. (00:29:45)


Chosen answer: "Do they give good sport" is simply a way of asking whether they're being kept alive to provide later entertainment; could they be used in some sort of organised hunt, could they serve as gladiatorial fodder in an arena fight, that sort of thing. The weird thing with the tongue really just seems to be a sort of odd tic, designed to emphasise his rather disgusting nature.


More The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers questions

Chosen answer: A sequel was not only planned, but money was spent developing sets and costumes. However, Dolph Lundgren did not want to reprise the role, so Laird Hamilton was picked to play He-Man with Albert Pyu set to direct. Canon Films, who produced the first movie, was also planning on producing a Spider-Man movie. However, Canon Films still owed money to Mattel and Marvel for the character rights that they couldn't feasibly pay, so both projects had to be scrapped. Incidentally, not wanting to let money go to waste on sets and costumes, they had Pyu come up with a movie to utilize them, which resulted in Cyborg starring Jean-Claude Van Damme.


More Masters of the Universe questions
Something Wicked This Way Comes picture

Question: This was produced by the Walt Disney Production Company. Unlike other Disney films that were family friendly, this one had a dark tone to it and even terrifying moments. Why would the Disney Production company help produce this film considering how scary it is? It seems unusual considering that a lot of the movies they made were more light-hearted.

Answer: Disney at the time was trying to break the stereotype of only producing family-oriented animation films. So they were interested in making more mature films, especially ones targeted to the teen audience. At the time they had already produced "The Watcher in the Woods" and "Dragonslayer". "Something Wicked This Way Comes" was toned down though and some things deemed too dark were removed. It should be noted, this was also the last film under the Walt Disney Production label.


More Something Wicked This Way Comes questions
Pete's Dragon picture

Question: How is Elliott spelt, as I've seen it both Elliot and Elliott on various different Disney memorabilia?

Answer: In the original film, the credits show his name as "Elliott" (with 2 t's). In the remake, his name is "Elliot" (with 1 t). So older memorabilia will have "Elliott". In the original film, Elliott was the dragon's given name, in a manner of speaking. In the remake, Pete names the dragon after the puppy from his favorite book which was called "Elliot Gets Lost". This is the only reason I can find for the spelling change.


More Pete's Dragon questions

Answer: She may have said goodbye to Adam but it just wasn't shown.

More Honey I Blew Up the Kid questions
A Little Princess picture

Question: When Sarah and Becky wake up in the morning and the table is covered in food and they have new slippers etc, how did those items get in their room?

Answer: Ram Dass, the servant from the house next door to the school, sneaked the items into the girls' room during the night. He may have had help from another servant.


More A Little Princess questions

Answer: Martian Manhunter is played by Harry Lennix, who also plays General Swanwick, a character who appears in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman (and we can see he transforms back into Swanwick he leaves), revealing that Swanwick was Martian Manhunter the whole time, so the indication is he got to Earth before Man of Steel. He assumed Martha's identity to speak with Lois, specifically to have a heart to heart with her as she is depressed due to Clark's death. Martha is present every other time we see her, when she leaves the Kent home at the beginning and when she reunites with Clark later on. This scene was the only time Martian Manhunter used her identity.

Casual Person

More Zack Snyder's Justice League questions
The Lovely Bones picture

Question: If Susie's body had been in a bag in the safe, how did people who went into his house (Lindsey when she broke into his house through the basement window) not smell her dead body?

Answer: The only person who went into the basement while the safe was there was Lindsey. The safe was airtight, so the odor at that point would have been contained inside it.


Answer: The dog could smell her body even from outside, and he barked and hesitated as he passed near the killer's house. Dogs can smell people from a long distance.

More The Lovely Bones questions
Hellboy II: The Golden Army picture

Question: When Abe or the Princess are in the library, (but I can't remember if they are together) what is the name/author of the poem they are reading?

Answer: "In Memoriam" by Alfred Lord Tennyson.


More Hellboy II: The Golden Army questions
The Brave Little Toaster picture

Question: In the trivia section, it says, "Look at the pictures the TV guy takes out of the filing cabinet", but it doesn't say what's there. I don't have the video, could someone please fill me in?

Answer: It is referring to a moment during the song "Worthless" toward the end of the movie, right before the Red Car sings. The photos he takes out have pictures of what looks like some exotic dancers on them.


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Superman III picture

Question: How come Superman is so nice to Gus at the end? He was working with the baddies, he created a computer and the Kryptonite to kill Superman! Yet Superman is totally cool and even asks the coal miners to give Gus a job. Did I miss something?

Answer: The only reason that Gus was working with Ross, Vera and Lorelei was because he stole money from the company he worked at. To avoid going to prison, Gus was forced to do anything that they wanted. After realizing that his computer was designed to do anything it was ordered to, including killing Superman, Gus removed a small screw which shut down the power momentarily but, after the computer brought itself back online, Gus attempted to destroy it with an axe to save Superman. Superman saw this and realised he was wrong about Gus and after the computer was destroyed decided to help Gus find a job.

That makes sense, thank you! Been bugging me for years.

Jen Hen

You're welcome.

More Superman III questions
Man of Steel picture

Question: How could Superman kill Zod by breaking his neck? He's from Krypton like Superman so he should also be invulnerable.

Answer: Kryptonians aren't invulnerable. It just takes a lot to hurt one after he has been charged by our yellow sun. There are several beings who are strong enough to break a Kryptonian's bones. Doomsday, Darkseid, etc. Since both are roughly equal in strength on Earth, its no different than one human breaking another's neck.

Grumpy Scot

More Man of Steel questions
Bedtime Stories picture

Question: Everything that happens in the bedtime stories and then occurs to Skeeter in real life has a (pretty much) rational explanation (e.g. the rain of gumballs, "Abe Lincoln" actually being a penny), but why on earth do the women in the restaurant jump up and start doing the hokey pokey, apparently against their will?

Answer: The only reason for them to do the hokey pokey is because it's possible. Patrick said that they would do it in the story, and even in the story it's not impossible. Patrick made it happen.

More Bedtime Stories questions
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian picture

Question: Why don't the Pevensies put their shoes back on before climbing up to explore the ruins?

Answer: I'm sure they do. But to advance the storyline in the time they have, it's time consuming for the filmmakers to show that. We just have to suspend our disbelief and assume.

Cubs Fan

More The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian questions
Next picture

Question: I don't get the joke Chris told Liz in the cabin motel about the Zen master that ordered a hotdog with everything. What was funny?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: The Zen master tells the hotdog vendor to "Make me one with everything," a pun, of sorts, on the Zen philosophy of becoming one with the universe.

Jean G

More Next questions
Christine picture

Question: What song is playing as Christine is crushing Darnell against the steering wheel?

Answer: "I've Got A Girl Named Boney Maroney" by Larry Williams.

More Christine questions
Teen Wolf picture

Question: Why did Lewis start ignoring Scott after it was revealed that Scott was a werewolf?

Answer: Because Lewis knew that Scott wasn't being true to himself by letting the Wolf take over his personality. Lewis, like Boof, liked Scott for who he was as a person, not as a werewolf.

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Atlantis: The Lost Empire picture

Question: According to the IMDb, every ship that's ever been in a Disney move is included in the Leviathan graveyard. Could anyone give me some examples?

Answer: For example prince Eric's ship/s from "the Little Mermaid" and the Susan Constant from "Pocahontas".

More Atlantis: The Lost Empire questions
Dracula Untold picture

Question: I thought the old vampire told Vlad that if he drank blood during the 3 days, the old guy would be released from the cave and Vlad would take his place there forever. So how come at the end, after Vlad gave in and drank blood, becoming a vampire forever, he didn't have to stay in that cave?


Chosen answer: Actually, what the master vampire told Vlad is that he will return to mortal after three days if there is no feeding. If Vlad does feed, he will become a new vessel for the dark power, a new offering to the dark. Nothing was said that Vlad would be trapped in the cave but rather a scourge on the Earth. It is true that if Vlad feeds, the master vampire would be set free. After that, the master vampire can take revenge on the one who turned him. A new game of revenge would then be played between him and Vlad.

That's kind of weird because I remember the Master Vampire saying the same thing about Vlad staying in the cave forever too.

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Evil Dead II picture

Question: If this movie is a sequel to the first Evil Dead, how come it only shows Ash and Linda driving up to the cabin and not the other friends? Also, why does it show Ash playing the recording and not Scotty, like in the first film?

Answer: Sam Rami could not get the footage of Evil Dead to use in the sequel, so he remade the movie in a shortened form for the beginning. Since Linda was the only original character other than Ash to come back he included her in the recap but deleted the others as not to waste time. An in universe answer could be that trauma of losing his friends made Ash block them out and rewrite history in his head, except for Linda who comes back to haunt him in the movie so he is forced to deal with it.

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