Best family movie mistake pictures of all time

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Continuity mistake: When Holly is meeting Ben for the first time and Holly's friend says, "Sounds like she's not into romance," Holly is eating a spoon of ice cream in the shot from the front. However, in the shot from the back, Holly's hands are on the table.

More The Perfect Man mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Carolyn first enters David's room at NASA headquarters, she introduces R.A.L.F. Between shots, David wraps both arms around his knees. (00:30:35)


More Flight of the Navigator mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Fifi sings her line of the opening song, a stack of textbooks on Bugs Bunny's desktop changes appearance between shots. (00:01:45)


More Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation mistake pictures

Other mistake: When Gomez begins to flip through his desk calendar, we see that "today" is Thursday, March 28, 1991. He then turns to the date of the "next quarter". The left hand page shows Thursday, August 8, but the right hand page shows Tuesday, September 9. (00:11:15)


More The Addams Family mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When McLeach is using Cody to fish for crocodiles, the hook fastened to the rope around Cody's waist can be seen facing different directions in various shots. (01:06:45 - 01:09:35)


More The Rescuers Down Under mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Godfather Drosselmeier walks into Marie's bedroom before he tells her the story, the bedroom door opens from the left, but after Marie's mother brings her the breakfast tray the door now opens the opposite way, from the right.

Super Grover

More The Nutcracker mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The buttons on Amos Slade's shirt repeatedly change sides between shots throughout the movie. One example is while Copper and Tod are swimming, when Amos tells Chief that Copper has strayed off again, the buttons on Slade's shirt go from being on the left to being on the right, then back to the left again. (00:21:50)

Super Grover

More The Fox and the Hound mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: After Alice rejects Hamish's proposal she does a bit of the Futterwacken, and when it cuts to a shot of everyone in front of the gazebo, the blue tape mark can be seen on the grass in front of Lord Ascot. It looks like there's also a yellow tape mark on the grass in front of Faith Chattaway. (01:38:15)

Super Grover

More Alice in Wonderland mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: The film was rushed to theaters, leaving a few mistakes which Universal fixed. In the original cut, toward the end, Judi Dench's human hand is visible, complete with her wedding ring. This was fixed for the re-release.


More Cats mistake pictures

Big (1988)

More Big mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Lulu slides down the banister onto a stool and slides across the floor to the table for her breakfast. She gets to the table and looks at her selection for a moment, the camera still looking from the side and her hands at her sides. It cuts to a close up from in front of her and suddenly her hands are up on the table. Also the cups on the table change shape, from being more conical towards the bottom, to perfect cylinders. (00:01:30)

Quantom X

More A Bout with a Trout mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Rosie hands Benjamin the listing for the Rosemoor property, the house in the listing's photo is not the house on the property, it's entirely different.

Super Grover

More We Bought a Zoo mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the parking lot scene we see Tommy get thrown through what appears to be plasterboard. When he goes through it leaves a big chunk still attached in a triangle shape. Camera cuts and what remains has changed and the triangle piece is not to be seen. (00:23:10)


More Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Ash prepares to send out Bulbasaur, the front of his hat goes from being aligned to the left of the visor to being past it. (00:06:15)


More Pokemon: The Movie 2000 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Just as the first credits roll, when the cheerleaders dance, check the African American, Caucasian, and most noticeably, the Asian American people behind the team. They are blatant, creepy-looking, unrealistic CGI characters. (00:01:18)


More Prom Pact mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: After Chuck steps on the toy duck, he looks up to see the alien family and their house behind them. However, there is no reflection of this on his visor, just an empty field and the trees beyond.


More Planet 51 mistake pictures
More The Sword in the Stone mistake pictures
More Small Soldiers mistake pictures
More Freaky Friday mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: While at Dino Stop, Katie convinces her dad not to play it safe and to take a chance to save the world. Rick agrees and extends his left hand for the "all hands, Mitchell family on three." In the closeup we see Katie put in her right hand, but in the wide shot Katie's left hand pulls out. Also, note that in the closeup both Katie's and Aaron's positions between their parents are switched. (00:45:00)

Super Grover

More The Mitchells vs. the Machines mistake pictures

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