Best adventure movie questions of all time

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Thunderball picture

Question: In the last scene, what happened to the man who helped Domino? They all (Bond, Domino and man) jumped from the boat before it crashed into the rocks but only Bond and Domino climbed into the lifeboat. They didn't even try to find him.


Answer: Bond hands Kutze a lifesaver just before they jump off the hydrofoil. Presumably he just floated there before being picked up by the Coast Guard.

Jukka Nurmi

Chosen answer: There's no explanation about what happened to him. I would assume he somehow died when they jumped.


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Jeepers Creepers picture

Question: What did Jezelle mean at the police station about the creeper saying "I think it's eaten too many hearts for its own to ever stop."

Answer: Since the Creeper needs various body parts i.e. eyes to see, lungs to breathe, it would also need to eat the hearts of its victims for its own heart to keep beating. Or she could mean that the Creeper is essentially devoid of all emotions as it keeps attacking anybody that has the body parts that it needs to extend its own life.

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Storks picture

Question: Hunter, as a stork, and Toady, as a pigeon, are both birds of flight. So why don't they use their wings to fly? Why would they need to use a helicopter (Hunter) and flying machine (Toady)?


Chosen answer: For the same reason people take cars even though they can walk. It's faster and doesn't require using up your energy.


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The Lost World: Jurassic Park picture

Question: Malcolm asks Roland why he'd kill a T-Rex. Roland proceeds to tell a story about a guy that went up a mountain and came back barely alive, and when asked 'did he go up there to die', responded 'no, he went up there to live'. I sort of get the point of the story, but could somebody clarify it for me?

Answer: It's basically about facing one's own mortality. Many humans feel that they 'feel the most alive' when facing (and overcoming) dangerous situations, the more challenging, the better. Roland is a big game hunter, to him, the ultimate challenge would be to hunt the biggest and (presumably) most dangerous predator ever to exist. Facing the danger of the T. Rex would make him feel better and mightier than he had ever felt in his life.


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Answer: Yes that would be how she most likely was able to tell.

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Silver Bullet picture

Question: Reverend Lowe says that he's been killing people because of the sins they committed but why did he kill Brady? He never committed a sin.

Answer: Firstly, Reverend Lowe is deluding himself by saying he only kills people because of their sins. He is in fact wracked with guilt over his actions and has at least one vivid nightmare about this. Secondly, in the Christian faith all humans are considered sinners so this gives Reverend Lowe a justification for his beliefs. Anyone he kills would be a sinner in his eyes, including Brady.


I think the first part is more accurate. It really has nothing to do with the idea of original sin or everyone being a sinner since he states he only punishes the evil, corrupt, and immoral. He tells Marty he'd never hurt an innocent child. He just really has no control of his Wolf side and is lying to himself about why he kills.

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Frozen II picture

Question: Are Anna and Kristof officially married by the end of the film, or does their wedding take place in the aftermath of the film?


Answer: I would say after. As Kristoff doesn't appear with her.

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Transformers: Dark of the Moon picture

Question: *Spoiler* What is the weapon that Sentinel Prime uses to kill Ironhide? It seems that all of the other Transformer weapons fire explosives or bullets, but his seemed to disintegrate Ironhide after he shot him.

Answer: the weapon is called an "Acid Rust Blaster" which seems to be similar to the cosmic rust seen in the animated series. the rust eats away at the Transformer's metal body.

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Answer: Since Christopher Robin is his only human friend, Pooh naturally assumed it was him. True friends always find each other no matter how much time has passed.

More Christopher Robin questions
Thor: The Dark World picture

Question: Loki (as Odin) quotes a conversation that occurred between Thor and Odin. This conversation happened after Loki let go of the handle Thor offered to keep him from falling off the bi-frost. How does Loki know what Odin tells Thor when he's supposedly headed to Midgard (Earth) as they speak? Can Loki read minds? If so, I don't recall any movies he comes out in mentioning mind reading.

Answer: Loki has been shown to exhibit numerous powers in the movies that can explain how he knew about this conversation. In all the movies, he has been shown to appear in hologram-like forms in different locations. For example, in The Avengers, he uses this power to meet up with The Other who is in the middle of space, whilst he is on Earth. In the end credits scene for Thor, he was able to watch over Selvig and Nick Fury's conversation despite not being there. In Thor: Ragnarok, he was able to see into Valkyrie's past through touching her head (though this power was not established until Thor: Ragnarok). Any of these powers could have been used to find out about this conversation between Thor and Odin.

Casual Person

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Answer: He's punishing Michelangelo for disrupting the session with Keno, which he used as an opportunity to diss Raph.


More Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze questions
Flash Gordon picture

Question: What exactly was the enormous creature that came out of the ground and attacked Flash in the forest?

Answer: Spider.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King picture

Question: When Déagol finds the ring, Sméagol asks to have it. When Déagol asks why, Sméagol says because it's his birthday and that he wanted it. Was it really Sméagol's birthday or was he already so quickly drawn by the ring's power that he only claimed it was in hopes that Déagol would hand it over?

Answer: In the book, it absolutely was his birthday.

Brian Katcher

What chapter in the book where smeagol kills deagol?


The Fellowship of the Ring, chapter two 'The Shadow of the Past.'.

Brian Katcher

Answer: It probably wasn't his birthday on that exact day, that would be too much of a coincidence. But close is definitely possible, or at least closer than Deagol's. Both were immediately drawn by the ring, heavily enough that they fought over it and Smeagol becoming the ultimate winner. Both did everything to keep it.


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Peter Rabbit picture

Question: How is it that Thomas can understand what the rabbits are saying as shown in the make-up scene and no other human can?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: It's not clear if he actually can hear them or not. It's implied in the film that it's possibly stress or a mental break that is causing him to hallucinate their voices, or is suddenly thinking on a brain wave length that can understand them. If it's the former, it's coincidence that he hears similar to what Peter is actually saying. Either case explains why he suddenly can hear them when nobody else can around them despite them talking in front of people.

Quantom X

Answer: The humans can actually understand the rabbits. Because notice during the scene when Peter is about to put the carrot in the Old Mr. McGregor's pants, the rabbits are talking quietly, most likely so Mr. McGregor doesn't hear them. And then there aren't any other scenes where they talk at a normal volume, or talk at all around humans, except for at the end when Peter is apologizing to the young Mr. McGregor.

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City of Ember picture

Question: In the real world when it's day wouldn't the people of Ember notice because, if the kids could see the city, I'm pretty sure they could see the sky.


Chosen answer: The light from the sky would have been back-lit by the lights from the city, a bit like how we can't see the stars at night because the sun is too bright. If there were a power failure at noon perhaps the sky could have been seen, however.


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The Last Samurai picture

Question: Nathan told Katsumo a story about the Greeks fighting a much smaller army and ended up losing the battle. Can anyone tell me the story or where to find the details on the web?

Answer: The Battle of Thermopylae, see for more info.


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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 picture

Question: If imprinting is possible for werewolves then why didn't Jacob do it to Bella? Mad Magazine pointed this out as he does this to her daughter, kind of creepy it was.


Answer: Imprinting is an involuntary mechanism. The shape-shifter can't voluntarily imprint on anybody. Jacob tried to imprint on Bella but was unable to do so and began going around looking for other girls to imprint on but, is unable to do it of his own free will.

On the flip side, Sam Ulee was in love with Leah Clearwater, but then he involuntarily imprinted on Emily, dumping Leah and breaking her heart.


Answer: In addition to the other answer, imprinting is not only a sexual thing. As Jacob explains it, it is about being whatever the person who is imprinted on wants or needs, whether it is as a lover, a protector, a life-long friend, etc.


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G.I. Joe: Retaliation picture

Question: General Joe says he wants some of his own men in the mission. You see them when they are making the plan and the are other old men. They don't really do much if anything during the actual battle. Who are they?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: They are probably other retired Joes.


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Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure picture

Question: Why was Beethoven arrested? He wasn't doing anything illegal.

Answer: While it's not unusual for musicians to try out new instruments (playing a few rifts and even entire compositions) in a music shop, Beethoven's extended sampling-keyboard performance went wild, drawing an enthusiastic mall crowd into the relatively small music shop. The shop manager no doubt felt overwhelmed and called in mall security to clear out the shop before any damage and/or theft occurred. Keep in mind that the security team was already scrambling to respond to several simultaneous disturbances throughout the mall, all caused by 7 strangely-dressed oddballs (more than half of whom only spoke obsolete dialects and ancient languages). The time-travelers were, thus, probably all perceived as one group of pranksters or escapees from a mental institution.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: This appears to be a reference to Beethoven's real-life arrests. He had a dark side, often drinking excessively and prowling the streets at night, peering into peoples' windows. Police mistook him as a drunken vagrant.


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Puss in Boots picture

Question: Hey I haven't seen a few bits of the movie but does Humpty trick Puss with that bank? And How does the middle of the P that Puss cuts with his sword at the start of the movie stay in place?

Answer: The middle of the P stays in place because it's an animation. Humpty told Puss he owed people money and they were coming for him, but he really robbed a bank. The guards thought Puss was involved. They tried to arrest him, but Puss scratched one in self defence. He escaped on a wagon and the money accidentally fell off a bridge. He was on the run ever since.


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