Best comedy movie mistake pictures of 1982

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Continuity mistake: When Mike is trying to get Mark to ask Stacey out, there is a shot of her behind the counter and Stacey's hair is pulled back on the sides in french braids with ribbons on the ends. Then when Mark approaches Stacey, her hair is pulled back in a clip. The first shot of Stacey with the braid, is actually cut from a scene later in the film, when Mark and Stacey talk at the counter. (00:27:35 - 00:28:20)

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Revealing mistake: At the beginning, when people are walking through the metal detector and on the screen it shows them nude, the background is different on the screen. For example, the screen shows two people sitting down, but there are no people sitting down. (00:02:35)


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Continuity mistake: When De Niro's character gets in the limousine with Lewis' character he has a hurt hand. He wraps it with a handkerchief. As the scene progresses the handkerchief disappears and reappears depending on the camera angle. (00:07:15)

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Continuity mistake: Myra Bruhl is popping pills at the beginning of the movie; when she puts down the container, there's a white-labeled bottle on the bedstand that was not there before. (00:02:40)


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