Best crime movie mistake pictures of 2008

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Visible crew/equipment: During Batman's interrogation of the Joker, when he picks him up and slams him against the wall, for a very brief moment you can see the camera and the cameraman in the reflection of the mirror on the right. (01:29:10)

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Continuity mistake: When Bryan chases the spotter, all of the cars that had to stop are all positioned at different angles. After the spotter dies and Bryan walks back along the bridge, one of the shots shows all of the cars now parked in a perfectly straight line.


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Continuity mistake: In the first meeting room at the Russian Embassy, the picture behind Linda and Chad changes from a blue framed portrait of what looks like Yeltsin to a portrait of Putin. (00:45:50)

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Visible crew/equipment: When Max meets a man in a car who invites him to jump in, they go to the place where Natasha was killed. When the car drives in the alley and we see it from the top of the building (the camera angle), the camera filming them is visible in the reflection on the car's roof (it's mounted on a rod hanging high above the alley). (00:18:25)

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More Saw V mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Durell and LeeJohn are in the diner just before robbing the church, the toast on the table is to Durell's right. Iin the next shot, it's in front of him, and in the next shot, it's back to his right. (00:28:45)

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