Best horror movie mistake pictures of 2004

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Visible crew/equipment: A boom mic operator wearing a white shirt is seen reflected in the door that the female scientist opens, when the Umbrella personnel pick her up, as part of their extraction procedure. He is visible as the door is opening and very faintly when it is closed. (00:04:00)

More Resident Evil: Apocalypse mistake pictures

Saw (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Adam pounds on Zep with the toilet seat, he grabs his shoulder in pain. In the first shot of him holding his shoulder, his hand is soaked in blood. In the second shot, however, his hand is much cleaner. (01:30:25)


More Saw mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: In the Jaguar, after Ed explains that he already adjusted the seat and Shaun shouts, "Careful!," when Ed pulls out of the driveway a seated crewmember is reflected on the side of the car. This does not refer to the zombie extras. (00:45:15)

Super Grover

More Shaun of the Dead mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Blade has been rescued by Abigail and Hannibal and the 3 of them are approaching the hideout, notice in Abigail's back quiver there is one arrow left, yet in the next shot when they're walking up the stairs she has two.

More Blade: Trinity mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: As the camera moves in on the bull that is about to be grabbed by the vampire, if you look under the bull, you can see two men hiding behind it. You can see their legs. They are probably there to keep the bull standing still. When it cuts they are gone. (00:26:05)


More Van Helsing mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Michael is about to open the door where he finds the janitor, there is a close up shot of the door handle where you see the reflection of three studio spotlights. (00:21:20)


More Dawn of the Dead mistake pictures
More Taking Lives mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Karen is searching the net, she is on "www.tdn_japan.con" [sic]. This address wouldn't work... Also the Google bar spells "Imaegs" not "Images." (00:59:30)


More The Grudge mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the man is pinned to the wall by the Predator's spear there is a close-up shot of his feet showing a box beside his right foot. When it cuts to a shot from the side of the man the box is gone. (00:31:35)


More Alien Vs. Predator mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Rains wakes up she stands up and shouts "Where is she? What have you done with her?" you can see the camera's shadow moving on her. (00:18:10)


More Cube Zero mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Shooter pins Mort against the tree with the shovel, you can see that it's a rubber shovel because it's bending around Mort's neck. [Mentioned on commentary]. (00:40:45)


More Secret Window mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: After the El Dorado hits Boone's car and is just about to drag it, there is a quick glimpse of its front license plate. The letters are reversed, indicating that it is a flipped shot. (00:28:20)


More Highwaymen mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Tyler injects Brigitte for the first time at the hospital, look carefully at the syringe. You'll see that in the first shot its content is 1/3, and in the following shot is now 1/2 full.

More Ginger Snaps: Unleashed mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Hiram, Juan and Kelly first see Old Fred's wagon in the distance, the white tarp on it is draped across it and down one side. When they arrive at it, it's draped differently. They also arrive at it from the side, when they were approaching from straight in front on it. (00:46:15)


More Tremors 4: The Legend Begins mistake pictures

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