Best fantasy movie mistake pictures of 2002

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Visible crew/equipment: Upon entering the Chamber of Secrets, Harry spots Ginny and runs towards her. After the last close-up of Harry's face as he runs, there is shot that faces Ginny, showing Harry's back. At the very start of this shot, on the bottom left corner of the screen two overhead studio lights, other equipment and scaffolding are perfectly visible, reflected in the puddle to Harry's left. Later when he runs out of the pipe, towards Ginny, some light reflections are visible as well. (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (02:04:40)

Super Grover

More Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Mathayus is stabbed with the poison arrow, it goes into the side of his right thigh, but when he removes his bandage after Cassandra has healed him, he checks the front of his left thigh just above his kneecap for the injury. (00:45:05 - 00:48:05)

More The Scorpion King mistake pictures

Other mistake: When Eomer is mounting his horse after giving Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli the two horses, you can see his sword falling out of its sheath. (00:35:00)

More The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Anakin is talking to Palpatine, the shot pans to the door, and it is obvious that the door and the furniture are painted. (00:26:15)

More Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Fred smashes his arm through the round window of the garage and grabs Shaggy, if you look you can see some kind of clear tape on his arm to protect him from the glass. This is quite noticeable in closeups. (00:47:10)


More Scooby-Doo mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Peter Pan threw his dagger to cut the rope, the dagger is suddenly back in its sheath in the next shot in less than a few seconds.

More Return to Never Land mistake pictures

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