Best crime movie mistake pictures of 1996

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Continuity mistake: When Romeo and Juliet are in bed and Romeo playfully pulls the sheet up over his head, his shirt gets caught in the sheet and ends up over his shoulder and around his neck, but in the next shot from the side, his shirt is down.

More Romeo + Juliet mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Tatum goes into the garage before she gets killed,she goes to get beer. She then walks over to the garage door opener with the beer in her right hand. Her left hand is reaching up to push the button, but as they show the close up, it is her right hand pushing the button. (01:05:35)

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Continuity mistake: As Beavis and Butt-head are dancing in the casino the floor is just flat and one surface. In the overhead shot of them dancing you can see part of the floor has changed to an tiled area instead of a plain flat surface. Also there are a number of people sitting at tables just in front of them whilst dancing. In the overhead shot they and the tables have disappeared. (00:21:30)


More Beavis and Butthead Do America mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Jennifer Tilly is thrown down on a bed wearing a black leather jacket, she sits up immediately and in that shot she isn't wearing the jacket. Very obvious.

More Bound mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Waldman is telling his wife Alice how disgusting her dog is, the way he holds his spoon keeps changing between cuts.

More The Long Kiss Goodnight mistake pictures

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