Best movie mistake pictures of 1982

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Continuity mistake: When Elliott gets food for himself and ET he takes the milk container from the top shelf of the fridge, and we see an empty space beside the Skippy peanut butter where the milk had been, but after Elliott drops everything onto the floor, in his next two closeups note the milk container (it has a distinctive curved design) is back on the shelf in the same spot beside the Skippy jar.

Super Grover

More E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Mike is trying to get Mark to ask Stacey out, there is a shot of her behind the counter and Stacey's hair is pulled back on the sides in french braids with ribbons on the ends. Then when Mark approaches Stacey, her hair is pulled back in a clip. The first shot of Stacey with the braid, is actually cut from a scene later in the film, when Mark and Stacey talk at the counter. (00:27:35 - 00:28:20)

More Fast Times at Ridgemont High mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: At the beginning, when people are walking through the metal detector and on the screen it shows them nude, the background is different on the screen. For example, the screen shows two people sitting down, but there are no people sitting down. (00:02:35)


More Airplane II: The Sequel mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: At the beginning of the movie, Sheriff Teasle escorts Rambo to the outskirts of town. As the sheriff drives off, the boom mike is visible in the reflection of the car's right rear passenger window. (00:07:30)

More Rambo: First Blood mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Shelly throws his wallet to Vera, he has a silver band around his left arm. Then when he says "Excuse me, but I believe that's my wallet", it has disappeared. (00:29:50)


More Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Near the beginning of the film when Deckard and the other cop take off in the car to go to the police station, you can see the cables lifting the car up into the air. (00:10:05)

More Blade Runner mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Paul Kersey boards a bus where the line number reads 990. When he gets off, the number is 99. He could not have changed buses because the number of the bus itself remains 8027 throughout. (00:54:50)

More Death Wish II mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Every time Dar's village is from the hill, it is a blatant scale model or matte painting where all the people and animals are suddenly missing.


More The Beastmaster mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the crew is outside and they're going to lock Blair in the tool shed, you can see someone nailing wood across the window on the front of the shed. The pieces of wood are horizontal. In the next shot (inside the shed), if you look at the window in the background, the strips of wood are vertical. When Mac goes back outside, the wood is horizontal again.

Mark Bernhard

More The Thing mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Nicodemus is telling Mrs. Brisby that he looked at the words under the latch on the door and understood them, there is a clear, large label under the door. Then a different angle is shown and there is no label on any of the doors, but you should be able to see it still. (00:52:25)

More The Secret of NIMH mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the training simulator at the beginning of the film, after Sulu and McCoy have both fallen, McCoy has his head resting on Sulu's hip at first. Then, in the next shot, his head is resting closer to Sulu's knee. (00:05:50)

More Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Myra Bruhl is popping pills at the beginning of the movie; when she puts down the container, there's a white-labeled bottle on the bedstand that was not there before. (00:02:40)


More Deathtrap mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Alan gets up to go to see Dillinger, look at the cubicles. The first row that Alan came out of is real. In the immediate next row, the cubicle that is adjacent to Alan's has no visible exit, and the two that would be heading toward the white wall seem to be only leading to each other. The rest of the cubicles in the area are all a matte painting used to extend the set.

Movie Nut

More Tron mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Near the start, when Uncle Henry pulls up in the farm wagon in the long shot, the wagon's seat has a high back, but when Aunt Em walks around the horses, the seat's high back is gone, and it reappears when Em sits beside Henry. When they ride away, it briefly disappears, then reappears again.

Super Grover

More The Wizard of Oz mistake pictures
More 48 Hrs. mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When De Niro's character gets in the limousine with Lewis' character he has a hurt hand. He wraps it with a handkerchief. As the scene progresses the handkerchief disappears and reappears depending on the camera angle. (00:07:15)

More The King of Comedy mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Near the end of the film, when she lands behind the stairs. If you look in the right hand corner, underneath the stairs, you can see tennis shoes running by.

More Poltergeist mistake pictures
More Conan the Barbarian mistake pictures

Q (1982)

More Q mistake pictures

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