Best horror movie mistake pictures of 1980

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Revealing mistake: In the first scene, when Nicholson is driving to the Overlook, the shadow of a helicopter can be seen at the bottom right. This is only visible in the un-matted VHS print and fullscreen DVD. (00:01:05)

More The Shining mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: While Father Malone is drinking his wine you can still see the cork laying on the table. He finally gets up to try to catch Bennett before he leaves and the cork has mysteriously put itself back into the bottle. (00:05:00 - 00:05:45)


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Visible crew/equipment: After they've killed the snake, Alice says "Is it dead?" and as the camera pans up, the boom mic's shadow is visible moving across the wall, directly over Ned's head and the red box. (00:26:05)


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More The Changeling mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the cannibal nurse is caught by the doctor, their poses change between cuts. (00:14:38)

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